Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Squidly Didly

Nothing new to report on the band front so here’s some blathering on about nothing to fill the void in your empty lives....

Dead Celebs....... TV Chef Keith Floyd, TV Jockey Fred ‘Hi-De-Hi’ Bowness, and Patrick ‘No Put’s Baby in a corner’ Swayze have all gone to that big TV in the sky , where I’m sure they will cook, dance and ride ponies for all eternity. BomB Culture Salutes You!!!!!

Meanwhile back on Terra Firma those darn Americana’s are trying to embargo Scottish goods as they had the decency to show compassion to a dying man. But, wait! I hear them yelp, he was a terrorist...etc.etc...Quite apart from the dubious evidence behind the conviction, isn’t compassion and mercy what supposedly makes us different from murderers and their nefarious kin?

But those damn Yankees are once again full of righteous indignation and who are we to question the giant intellect of the great American public? So let’s join in by renaming a few Scottish products to align ourselves with America’s New World of the Pure.

Tweed shall be renamed Interconnecting Patriot Stripes

Kilts will now be known as Cowardly Fag Skirts.

Tossing the Caber will change to Stroking the Freedom Log

Haggis is to become A Sack of Liberty Guts

The Phrase ‘Many a Mikle Macks a Muckle’ will not be translated as even in the current climate it is still as relevant today as it was when that bloke from the Professionals said it on a Supermarket advert in the Seventies.

Lulu will be subject to a hostile takeover. From behind.

Finally in a gesture of shoulder-to-shoulder solidarity with our American masters...sorry,...allies...We shall cut Scotland free from this Sceptic Isle, and let it drift aimlessly around the World like some kind of penny-pinching, skirt-wearing red-haired sea borne pariah, where hopefully it will be boarded by Somalian Pirates and sold for it’s rich tartan mines on the international market.
Yes, it may seem harsh, but someone has to do it otherwise it won’t be done, and then where would we be?

Tune in next time when we shall have absolutely no new band news and more inane crap, although we will be limbering up for the annual BC Pickle contest!!! Oh Yeah! Get your hot vinegar ready people for the time to pickle is almost upon us.

For no other reason than it's very clever, we leave you with this awesome Fanmade trailer for a Thundercats movie...enjoy!

Bomb Culture – Fingering the banjo strings of excellence with the long thin digits of love.

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